Properly caring for your cat or dog requires knowledge, skills and attention to many details. Knowing and monitoring the indicators of good health, paying attention to their vital signs, (e.g. temperature, pulse and respiration), knowledge of normal/abnormal behavior, and providing proper care to prevent, detect and, where possible, cure diseases are all the responsibilities of a pet owner. Laws and codes of practice help ensure that minimum standards are agreed upon, made known and adhered to. By knowing and following best practices, you will have the best chance of providing your pet with a comfortable, and safe life.
Activity 3.6 – Reflection
As the final activity for this module, take a few minutes and reflect on what you would do in an emergency situation. In what cases should you seek urgent veterinary care?
Submission Instructions
- When you have finished this activity (the final one for this module), save the PDF to your course folder.
- Upload your completed file using the upload tool below. (HINT: see the Activities video if you need a refresher on how to use the upload tool.)