Course Theme and Organization

AGR 1040: Animal Basics sets a context through an overarching inquiry question, “What is an acceptable level of care for domestic animals?”

Within this overarching inquiry, students learn about animal care through five themed modules:

  1. Responsible Animal Care (Modules One & Two): What is meant by responsible care of animals? What does this care involve?
  2. Animal Health & Shelter (Module Three): How should animal health be protected? How should animals be sheltered and bred?
  3. Humane Animal Handling Skills (Module Four): What skills are required for the humane handling of animals?
  4. Standards of Care (Module Five): What decisions need to be made about how an animals care affects the land and living conditions of others in the community?

Students complete a collection of review and/or research-based inquiries related to the theme of each module.

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