About the Assessments
On this page you will find:
- A Master list of the activities and the recommended rubric for that activity;
- A formatted Excel Gradebook template;
- The rubrics.
Rubrics are provided in both Excel and PDF file formats. Excel versions include areas to enter a grade for the various criteria which, in turn are summed and calculated on the sheet. They also include areas to enter criteria and general assessment level comments. The PDF’s are printable versions of the rubrics for those who prefer to use hardcopies.
At the start of each module, it is recommended that you remind your students of the rubrics used in the module activities.
Please note that CTS courses do not have a built-in grade book tool. Thus you should:
- Copy the assessment grades to your institution’s grade book software.
- Return a copy of the completed rubric to your student.
Master List of Activities with Suggested Rubric
Gradebook Template
Rubric A (One Part Answer, Two Criteria)
Rubric B (Two Part Answer, Two Criteria)
Rubric C (Three Part Answer, Two Criteria)
Rubric D (Four Part Answer, One Criteria)
Rubric E (Two Part Answer, One & Two Criteria)
Rubric F (Three Part Answer, One Criteria)
Research Activity Rubric (Optional)
Reflection Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Another Option: Build your own or develop student-constructed rubrics
The criteria statements provided in the Graded Assignment Rubrics can be adapted and used to construct task-specific rubrics for assessment of student work in the course.
Moreover, the criteria statements can also be used as the basis for negotiating and constructing task-specific rubrics with students. A rubric that is created with input from students can help provide them with specific feedback and incentive as they complete their activities.
Use the rubric criteria statements as a starting point to discuss and develop a rubric that students can use to assess and judge work in progress. An example of a student-created rubric is provided as one of the examples below. Students use this rubric as an ongoing indicator of the quality of their responses and necessary effort as they progress through each task. Students use the number scores for each category to rank and rate their work. You are encouraged to revise the provided rubrics as you deem most appropriate for your class / teaching strategies.
At the start of each module, it is recommended that you make note of the rubrics used in the module activities with your students.
C. Sample Student-Constructed Rubric

This sample rubric is based on an assessment rubric developed by and provided courtesy of Bryan Cunningham and the students of Altario School.