What does the Code of Practice say about approaches and tools for handling horses?

Icon of a book Approaches and tools for handling horses

  • Horses should be handled quietly, with care and patience, to avoid injury, pain or distress.
  • Handlers must be familiar with equine behaviour and competent in humane handlings techniques either through training, experience, or mentorship.
  • Handling and restraining devices must be used humanely and with regard to the horse’s natural movement, temperament and physical capabilities.
  • A properly equipped handling area should be available to facilitate the treatment of horses.
  • All tack and equipment should be maintained in good operating condition.
  • All halters, leads and lariats and other materials used to restrain or handle horses must be equipped with a method of quick release in case a horse becomes entangled in the equipment. Chutes used to restrain horses should have break out walls to assist horses that go down during handling.
  • Tethering and hobbling for the purpose of grazing is a practice which has a high risk of injury to horses. It is not recommended and is strongly discouraged.

Adapted from the NFACC Code of Practice (2018)

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