What’s Next…
Congratulations! You have completed Module 4. It was a big one! Just one module left to go in the course.
In the final module you will examine some of the legal issues, groups and enforcement processes aimed at protecting and ensuring the well-being of horses in both Canada and Alberta. It’s a shorter module but, as you can expect, vitally important. Because is a relatively ‘light’ module, you should plan to also spend time working on your final project.
Speaking of which,… you should now be well working hard on your final project assignment. It’s due soon! As always, keep the project requirements in mind as you proceed through the final stages of the course in case there are things you can include in your project.
And finally, you should now be preparing for the Practical Skills Assessment with your evaluator. Complete the Practical Skills Assessment over these last two weeks of the course.
Navigation & Security Tip: Use the course menu to jump to the next or any other module. Close this window to exit the course. If you are using a public computer, make sure you log out before closing the window.