
Icon for "Summary"

Module Summary

In this module, you examined factors and guidelines necessary for the welfare of your cat or dog. You reviewed what was required to provide adequate shelter for your pet, and proper precautions, materials and procedures to ensure necessary medical care. You also explored what is necessary to safely handle and transport your cat or dog when necessary.

Finally, you should now be able to identify and avoid factors which cause undue stress for your cat or dog. Providing necessary and appropriate attention to the issues of shelter, medical care, handling and transport will help you create a safe and healthy environment for your pet.

Icon of a graded written submission

Activity 4.6 – Summary Reflection

To complete the module, take a few minutes to reflect on what you have learned by following the directions below.


  1. Open the copy of the activities booklet for this module which you saved on your computer at the beginning of the module.
  2. Scroll down to the “Summary Activity: Reflection” item in the booklet.
  3. Follow the instructions provided.
  4. SAVE your work.

Submit Your Work

Upload your completed booklet using the “Upload Assignment” tool at the bottom of this page. (See the Activities video if you need a refresher on how to use the assignment upload tool.)

When you are done, proceed to the next item of the module.

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