A Day In The Life…

Icon of a person's head and brain

Activities: A Day In The Life…

What ongoing responsibilities do animal caretakers have? What aspects of the cats or dog’s health and behaviour should be monitored daily? 

General Instructions

  1. Complete the activities below to brainstorm and then create a “to do” checklist of daily, weekly and monthly tasks that you think are necessary to provide basic and essential care for your cat or dog.
  2. Use the weblinks provided at the bottom of this page and the previous course topics to help you complete the activities.
  3. Remember to save each activity document to your course folder before you close the window.

Icon of a written submissionActivity 2.1 – Brainstorm

Find this activity in your Module 2 Booklet. Brainstorm a list of your new cat or dog’s basic physical care requirements. (Remember that the weblinks provided at the bottom of this topic page are there to help you complete this activity.)

When you are finished, save the document to your course folder and proceed to the next activity.

Icon of a graded written submission

Activity 2.2 – Areas of Care

Using the Module 2 Booklet, complete the following activity. List the key components needed for housing dogs and cats. Describe how housing needs to be modified based on the animal’s coat, health status, and age. Note that, unless indicated otherwise by your teacher, this is a graded activity. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

Icon of an internet link

Activity Weblinks

Use the links below to help you complete the activities.

Alberta SPCA provides information on cold weather pet care

Check the American SPCA for general tips on cat care

Check the American SPCA for general tips on dog care

The American SPCA provides information on hot weather pet care

Alberta SPCA provides information on cat care.

Find tips for dealing with yard and garden dangers, including hot weather risks. 

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