Copyright, Acknowledgements & Credits AGR 3070: Equine 2 Copyright, Acknowledgements & Credits Copyright All course materials are © 2022 The Alberta SPCA. Permission is granted to make copies of any or all parts of this resource for educational, not-for-profit use in schools and classrooms only. Every effort has been made to acknowledge sources used in this resource. We will be pleased to make the necessary corrections in the event of questions arising as to the use of any material. Students should be aware that external websites offered as citations and/or sources for further information may have changed or disappeared between the time this was written and when it is used. Use of materials from those sites is subject to that site owner’s copyright. Acknowledgements The Alberta SPCA thanks the following individuals and organizations for their kind and generous contributions to this course. Original Concept, Writing and Development Patricia Shields-Ramsay, Doug Ramsay (InPraxis Group Inc.) Additional Instructional Design and Online Development Iain McPherson Website Kyle Loranger (Kyle Loranger Design) Content & Expert Review Lindsay Nakonechny, MSc. Erica Cheung, BSc. Web Editing Shanuki Goonasekera, BSc. Image Credits The Alberta SPCA thanks the following for the kind use of their photographs and images: Course icons: courtesy The Noun Project Course featured image: courtesy Unsplash Module featured images: Start Here!, Final Project, and Your Personal Statement: courtesy The Noun Project Modules 1-6: courtesy Unsplash Topic images: courtesy Alberta SPCA, Unsplash, and Pexels Previous Lesson Back to Course