Intro & Module Activities

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People who care for and manage horses have the most influence on a horse’s well-being and health. You will describe a horse’s anatomy and assess conformational features. You will also consider how heredity and breeding affect a horse’s characteristics.

Animal welfare refers to an animal’s physical and mental state and how well an animal copes with the conditions in which it lives. How does an understanding of your horse’s physical characteristics help you make responsible care decisions? 

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Module Objectives

By successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify horse anatomy and assess conformation.
  • Identify horse breeds and understand heredity.
  • Understand the origins of a horse breed.
  • Understand how conformation, genetics, and origins influence responsible horse care decisions.

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Module Activities

Your work will be assessed by your teacher. Unless indicated otherwise by your teacher, use the rubric which accompanies the activity.


  1. Create a folder for the AGR 2070 course on your computer. This is where you should save all your module booklets.
  2. Download the Module 2 Booklet to the AGR 2070 folder.
  3. When you get to a place in the online module where you are supposed to complete an activity: 
    1. Open the module booklet you saved in your course folder,
    2. Scroll to the relevant activity,
    3. Complete the task,
    4. SAVE your work.

At the end of the module, you will upload your completed module booklet. (HINT: see the Activities video if you need a refresher on how to use the upload tool.)

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Estimated Time Required

It is estimated it will take you approximately 3 hours to complete this module.

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